Sunday, October 4, 2009

Christmas Kickstart

It's the 31st annual Vancouver Toy Run! With some "formation" riding and all for charity. Rozie and I are heading out this morning.... early.... to hit the streets with hundreds of other bikes. Can't wait! Update and pics later!

Wow, what an experience! I was on top of the world - a great group ride with thousands of other motorcycles for charity and lunch with some great new people afterwards, then a mini-convoy with 2 of those people to lead me on a great route home that was a good ride and scenic. So awesome!

But I came home to cat messes all over the carpet... eleven of them, seriously. I have one cat. In a 1 BR apartment mind you. He was very sick, poor kitty. Poor me for having to clean it up.

Be soft, but rock hard. \m/