Saturday, October 3, 2009

Oh blissful Saturday

Saturday morning - all to myself with no external pressures, just those I put on myself. There are many of those, of course, but I'm practicing prioritizing them and rationalizing them away - at least temporarily.

Up with the sunrise, against my will, but I fell asleep before 11pm on the couch and staggered to bed shortly thereafter so technically I suppose it was a full night's sleep. I spent the deliciously lazy early hours of the morning drinking coffee, dining on instant oatmeal (mmm.... maple & spice!) and delighting in the debauchery of a few episodes of 'True Blood' I have saved on the computer. What a ridiculous but entertaining show! When that wrapped up I checked my online messages and watched the last few minutes of 'The Littlest Hobo' which is about as reminiscent of my childhood as any TV show is. "Maybe tomorrow, I'll wanna settle down, until tomorrow, the whole world is my home." Man, that dog was parachuting out of a helicopter - seriously!

I'm geared up for my run now, after scoping some routes out on ye olde googlemaps and I'm still not really sure where I should be running to get any distance in. I'm avoiding significant hills today because of my jammed up right hip - not to mention being "off" running for over a week now. But the Royal Victoria Marathon 8K is in 7 days and I *MUST* get some training in. I'm starting to freak out a bit :o It's a gorgeous sunny day and I am going out to run no matter what! I'm convincing myself, I'm sure you can see right through that little tactic - I'd rather do other things.

I set up my new widescreen monitor last night and let me tell you, this is (for me, comparitively speaking) some serious screen real estate! I almost don't need two separate monitors which is fortunate since I have no desk space on this temporary folding table that I'm using as a desk and since the second monitor didn't work when I hooked it up. D'oh!

There are pictures up on my wall and a few less boxes today after setting up my desk. I can't unpack them all until I buy my new Ikea desk setup but I'm not ready to do that just yet. The last thing I need is more boxes and things to assemble in this apartment right now! I'll get to a few more today, there's an end in sight and that's good news.

And on that somber note I'm going out to enjoy the sunshine on this gorgeous West Coast day - on the only weekend that I don't have plans and committments for in the foreseeable future. Time for these kicks to hit the pavement... they've been idle too long. Lace up and roll out!

Be soft, but rock hard. \m/